By default, a player will move from one waypoint to the next at full speed without pausing. To change that default behavior, click from the waypoint menu where you want to change speed or add a pause. Changing Speed After […]
Movement is the path a player will follow during a play and it’s defined by a series of waypoints that make up the player’s route. Waypoints are important because they represent a place in the route where something can happen […]
The fastest way to get familiar with play design using Playart Pro is to jump in and design a play! This quick start will take you through creating a simple flag football play – you can follow along using the […]
To align two players or waypoints click the player/waypoint you want to align and choose to align horizontally or to align vertically. The icon you chose now appears on all players and waypoints – click one of them to align […]
The chalkboard is the area on which you design your play or formation. At the top of the chalkboard are several buttons that impact the play or formation design, some of which are only available to Pro subscribers.