Adding Coverage

You can add both zone and man coverage to your defense at the last waypoint of any player’s route.

Zone Coverage

To add zone coverage, left-click a player’s last waypoint and choose .

This will add a zone coverage oval to the field with white circular guides at the top and right. Drag these guides to expand or contract the size of the zone coverage area then click when you’re done.

You can edit the zone area by again clicking from the waypoint menu or remove the coverage by clicking .

Man Coverage

To add man coverage, left-click a player’s last waypoint and choose . A target area will be added to the field – move it over the target of the man coverage and click when you’re done.

If you want to get very precise about who the player should cover, add an opposing team to the field using in the chalkboard menu and position the man target over the shape of the player to be covered.

You can move the man target by again clicking from the waypoint menu or remove the coverage by clicking .

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