Chalkboard Buttons

The chalkboard is the area on which you design your play or formation. At the top of the chalkboard are several buttons that impact the play or formation design, some of which are only available to Pro subscribers.

Button Function
Animate the play.
Free Save the play to the play library.
Free Erase the current play and start over.
Pro Show permalinks to play/formation home page and images.
Pro Copy the play or formation into a new play/formation.
Pro Edit play or formation data.
Pro Save changes.  This button will have an orange background if there are unsaved changes to the play or formation.
Toggle alignment grid overlay.
Toggle waypoint highlights.
Lock player routes. When locked, moving a waypoint will move all subsequent waypoints in that player’s route.
Flip play/formation horizontally.
Add a player to the play/formation.
Pro Toggles display of the opposing team.
Show cheat sheet for waypoint menu buttons.

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